Facts and quotes:
My brain is programmed for remembering facts, not names. I will have to work hard to remember yours, and I will.
My mom is an artist with fabric and cloth. She taught me how to make clothes when I was young. Her mother taught her...
I often willingly forget the age of this body, so if you ask me I might need to do the math. I am born on the 9th of July 1968.
I have been living in relationship with my current partner for over 25 years.
I remember being able to run fast, for long distances. It helped me when I was bullied as a child, they could never catch me. I was fastest of my athletics club and in the eastern part the Netherlands. Until someone faster came along.
Nothing in my life could have been done different, else I would have done it.
Life is a means by which I can discover myself.
In deep meditation all is still evolving.
Life is a means by which I can evolve, and I will never be the same :-)
natures grace is birth, natures grace is death. So many have said this before, yet when I recovered from severe illness, it became quite clear...
I am able to distance myself from the world as a means to be able to keep my sanity and keep in contact with my inner self. I taught myself to lie about my inner world and the things on my mind. This because as a child I experienced that no adult could be trusted.
I am an adult.
My partners name is Daphne Irene.
My eldest son is called Connor Arjuna.
My youngest son is called Yarne Victor.
My name is Maarten.
I would like to see my friends more often.
I am owner of a company together with my businesspartner Ralph van Kraaij @
I train young athletes who want to become pro-athletes @ bushiarnhem.nl
I am lifecoach and all-round instructor @ vitex.nu
I am in training and getting mirrored @